
New Purchase

Today i went to the acne store and accidentally came away with this beauty.  I have been craving ice-cream shades of late and this mint jumper is just perfect. 


Celine Pre-fall 2012

Thankyou Phoebe Philo for always creating such amazing collections. 


Mulberry SS '12

As an innately British brand it seems only too fitting that Mulberry shot their latest campaign on the shores of Brighton.  The quintessential seaside, pebble beaches and pier provide the ideal backdrop; whilst the ice-cream shades provide the perfect palette against the cobalt sky.  It just goes to show that an English luxury brand doesn't have to travel far to create a fun and creative look book- shot by Tim Walker .

Images taken from Mulberry - if only Brighton was this sunny everyday!


Where do i begin

got to start somewhere. just can't find where to begin.